Our Team

Our Team

Welcome to the Center for Augmenting Intelligence: Shaping Tomorrow’s Healthcare Today

At the Center for Augmenting Intelligence (CAI), we are more than just a research institution; we are a collective of passionate individuals dedicated to shaping the future of healthcare through the responsible use of artificial intelligence (AI).  

our approach

We believe that to achieve our vision, it is essential to bring together a diverse group of individuals who share our passion for leveraging AI for societal good. Our team consists of: 

  • Advisory Board: Comprised of experts from various disciplines including AI, healthcare, ethics, and policy, our advisory board provides invaluable guidance and oversight, ensuring that our initiatives align with the highest standards of ethics and effectiveness.
  • Staff: Our dedicated staff members are at the forefront of research, development, and implementation of AI-driven solutions in healthcare. With backgrounds ranging from computer science to medicine, our team brings a multidisciplinary approach to every project we undertake.
  • Passionate Students: We recognize the importance of nurturing the next generation of leaders in AI and healthcare. That’s why we actively involve passionate students in our initiatives, providing them with hands-on experience, mentorship, and opportunities to make meaningful contributions to the field.
Our Team

Whether you’re an AI researcher, healthcare professional, policymaker, or student, there are numerous ways to get involved with CAI. Collaborate with us on research projects, attend our events and workshops, or become a part of our growing community dedicated to harnessing the power of AI for the betterment of society.

Together, let’s pave the way for a future where AI augments human intelligence to transform healthcare and improve lives. Join us at the Center for Augmenting Intelligence and be a part of this exciting journey towards a healthier tomorrow.