AI Solution Designer

AI Solution Designer

Course Description: AI Solutions Designer with a Focus on Prompt Design

In this comprehensive course, participants will embark on a journey to become proficient AI Solutions Designers, specializing in the integration of AI tools and prompt design. This course bridges the gap between technical expertise and practical application, enabling participants to effectively deploy AI solutions in various business contexts. The course covers a wide array of skills, from evaluating and selecting AI tools to mastering the art of prompt design for AI language models like GPT-3.


  • Understand the Landscape of AI Tools: Gain an in-depth understanding of various AI tools and platforms, including language models, no-code AI development tools, and data analytics software. 
  • Master Prompt Design: Learn to craft effective prompts for AI language models, optimizing for creativity, accuracy, and contextual relevance. 
  • Develop AI Solutions: Acquire the skills to integrate various AI tools and design prompts to develop tailored AI solutions that align with specific business goals. 
  • Project Management: Learn to manage AI projects efficiently, from conception to deployment, with a focus on ethical AI practices and compliance. 
  • Stay Current: Develop the ability to continually adapt to the rapidly evolving AI landscape, incorporating new tools and techniques as they emerge. 

Course Level

Level 1: Foundation


  • Introduction to AI and Language Models 
  • Overview of AI Tools and No-code Platforms 
  • Basics of Data Science and Analytics 
  • Fundamentals of Prompt Design 
  • Project Management Basics 

Objective: Equip participants with a foundational understanding of AI tools and technologies, including an introduction to prompt design and project management principles in AI development. 

Level 2: Intermediate


  • Advanced Prompt Design Techniques 
  • In-depth Study of Specific AI Tools (e.g., OpenAI, Anthropic) 
  • Integrating AI Solutions into Business Processes 
  • Ethical AI and Compliance 
  • Practical Workshops on AI Prototyping and Prompt Crafting 

Objective: Build upon the foundational knowledge, focusing on advanced prompt design, ethical considerations, and practical applications of AI tools in business contexts.

Level 3: Advanced


  • Mastery in Prompt Design for Complex Scenarios 
  • Customizing AI Solutions for Industry-specific Needs 
  • Advanced Project Management and Stakeholder Engagement 
  • Innovation in AI: Emerging Tools and Trends 
  • Capstone Project: Developing and Deploying a Full-Scale AI Solution 

Objective: Enable participants to achieve mastery in prompt design and AI solution development, focusing on industry-specific applications and cutting-edge AI innovations. The capstone project will demonstrate the participant’s ability to deploy a comprehensive AI solution from start to finish.