About Us

About Us

At CAI, we believe in the power of AI to create transformative solutions for urban health disparities. Assembled from various disciplines, our diverse team is united in a common purpose: to build AI tools that enhance human intelligence, promote social equity, and ensure environmental sustainability. Learn more about our team, our traditions, and our commitment to ethical AI. 

About Us Img

Our Work

Our Work

Our Work Img

Our interdisciplinary collaboration enables us to design cutting-edge AI solutions for complex urban health challenges. We’re not just creating technology; we’re molding a future where AI is ethically developed and responsibly used to uplift our communities. Explore our projects, partnerships, and successes in the realm of AI and urban health. 



Our vision is to establish the Center for Augmenting Intelligence at the University of Detroit Mercy as a beacon of innovation and social impact, directly contributing to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an urban context. We are dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence to address key challenges in Detroit focusing on:

  • Zero Hunger (SDG 2)
  • Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3)
  • Quality Education (SDG 4)
  •  Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9)

Our goal is to transform Detroit into a pioneering urban landscape where AI-driven solutions to enhance the quality of life.

AI Vision